05.06.2022, 23:00

Artheater - Tag X with Julian Muller - Lokier - Sugar

Yes, it's a Sunday. Next day is a holiday, so let's rave until Monday morning!
Arno & Various Identities PhonoVision
Julian Muller Nali - Lobster Theremin - Live from Earth
Lokier Lenske
Minjo Tag X
Sugar Fast Forward - Kulør -Euromantic
Limited presale (200 tickets): tagx.ticket.io
Rest at the box office.
- We have a zero tolerance for homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism and any form of violence.
- No GBL/GHB! If you get caught = lifetime ban!
- Smartphone recordings are not forbidden, BUT do not record other people directly and do not use the flashlight. Live the moment.
- Please treat each other with respect.
- Express yourself, feel free and welcome!